
How do you feel about the royal family?

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I just read Kitty Kelly's book The Royals and was just wondering how England feels about them today? The end of the book painted a picture of people feeling the monarchy was obsolete, do you feel that way? Is Charles fit to be King? Is Camilla accepted now? Is Prince Phillip an ***? So many questions! lol




  1. Get rid of the greedy b******s

  2. I'm not personally bother by them, h**l it's not as though they've tried to c**p in my garden or anything. Some people really appreciate the "guidance" and tradition of the monarchy so in those respects I don't think we should get rid of them. That would be similar to tribes in New Guinea getting rid of their chief.

    We ought to preserve what we have as part of a national identity, a heritage but that doesn't mean we should pay for them to  go on holiday and maintain their lavish homes. Unless of course they are willing to pay for my, less than lavish life style.

  3. i love those princes' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. In general most people love the royal family, have respect for them, and want to keep them for ever.

    The Royal family are what our Great British history is all about.

    I`m not speaking as an older person, I`m quite young but I admire them so much, so do my children.

    The ceremonies all mean something and are done for a reason. The Monarchy is far from obsolete, it`s stronger than ever. We hold on to the Monarchy because so many of our traditions are banned in schools for fear of offending other religions, it`s the only thing we can do from our past that isn`t (yet) classed as discriminative! Long live the Queen x*x

  5. I think their irrelevant, the idea of being ruled by a lady on a throne is ridiculous ! I hate the fact the old ladies head is still on our currency, Australia generally wants nothing to do with them ! I must say William and Harry are cool, well William anyway, will lead your old decaying homeland ! I find the fact that a Queen of England could somehow still be "our" Head of State an absolutely sick joke !

  6. look, they're alright, but they really should get a job

  7. Obsolete for sure.

    Charles fit to be king? = Should Paris have gone to jail?

    Is Camilla accepted now? = Will Britney and K-Fed get back together?

    Is Prince Phillip an *****? = Does Paula really drink a fifth of vodka before she goes on the set of American Idol?

    Seriously, the royal family is irrelevent and full of themselves.

  8. Royal family is family of kings.  Britishers should give them general repsect.  Even if they will not give they are still ex-royals with a lot of money.  In general Islam tells us to respect the seniors anyway if they good and just.

  9. I don't really care about them.  Obsolete or not, it is their own tradition. We as outsiders should not make a fuss out of it.

  10. I'm not from England......but have been there and are very close friends with some people from Britain.

    They understand that the Royals are just figureheads....this has been true for a very long time.

    However they explain they love the pomp & pagentry and hope they reign forever.

  11. We should get rid of them all, they are all outdated inbred fussy idiots.

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