
How do you feel about the so-called 'birth tours' to the U.S.?

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"Birth tours" mean Foreigner citizens giving birth in U.S to obtain citizenship for their children and fly out.




  1. I think that birthright citizenship delivered via the 14th Amendment is a crock.  The 14th amendment should be repealed.  Its purpose was to give citizenship to the children of slaves....people brought here against their will.

    Its usefulness and applicability is long over.

    Repeal birthright citizenship.  And yes--it most certainly DOES happen that people come here to deliver for the sole purpose of having a US citizen then eligible for Aid to Dependent Children.  Thinking otherwise is naive.

  2. Yes, I have heard of it.  They should not be allowed into the country if they are that close to delivering.  Of course, some of the clothes they wear hide the pregnancy very well though.

  3. Never heard of it happening. I didn't know they could unless it was for medical reasons then the kid had it's countries citizenship. Seems like a round about way asking about birth right amendment which isn't the same as you applied.

    WEll thanks for the link AFTER the fact ~ Any mother will do what she needs to do to protect her child. With the situation in Venezuela and our relations with Chavez I can see why the mothers would be fearful. They probably left their kids here you realize. That would be a hard thing to do but women here give kids up for adoption everday for the same reasons. It's better than abortion or letting them suffer under oppression isn't it?

  4. I'm against Immigration and that my friend should be Illegal. When do we get to vote on where and how tax money get's spent. Should we have to shoulder the expense of Immigration?

  5. As long as they actually do fly away instead of staying here, I can live with it.  I have yet to see any of them leave though.

  6. Think only way you should be an American is if one of your parents is already a legal citizen.

  7. I do not believe the children should be given American citizenship, they should have the citizenship of the mother no matter where they are born!!!

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