
How do you feel about the way Jeff Lewis, from Bravo's TV show "Flipping out", treats his employees?

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Do you think it is acceptable to "punish" his employees when they make mistakes?




  1. It's funny you should ask this question right now, because I'm watching a Flipping Out where Chris messed up Jeff's computer and he "punished" him by making him do trash duty and forbidding him to use the computer.

    I do think that occasionally Jeff goes a bit overboard, but I don't think he goes too far, and I don't think he intends it as "punishment."  I think he believes that if the employee has to "take a step back" in his duties, he's more likely to remember the mistake and not make it again.

    Just my opinion.  I love the show.  Jeff's a kick in the pants.

  2. It's so funny that they call it Reality TV when it isn't real at all. If he treated them great and nothing exciting happened, do you think it would be on TV?

  3. Jeff has said before that he views his employees as his 'family'. So when he punishes them, it's sort of like a parent dealing with a child. I guess this is OK, since the people he hires must know that it won't be like working a "real" job.I love the show and Jeff Lewis.

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