
How do you feel about the wholescale killing of badgers?

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How do you feel about the wholescale killing of badgers?




  1. I disagree with it. I assume that you are referring to the culling in the name of TB and cows. There is no conclusive proof that badgers are responsible for spreading TB. Infact bovine TB is a big problem both on the Isle of Man and in New Zealand neither of which have badgers. I fail to see why cattle cannot be vaccinated against TB as in Europe.

    The authorities are far too quick to needlessly kill animals - see Janet Hughes  she tried to stop the wholesale slaughter of uninfected sheep on the Brecon hills and was persecuted by DEFRA.

    There are plenty of pro-life supporters for humans but sadly not enogh for animals.

  2. Like with most everything,there has to be a limit,badgers my be some what a rodent,but they play a vital role,their diet consist of snakes,mice,rats,moles and numerous insects,in order to keep things in balance the badger needs to keep playing their role

  3. Couldn't really care less.

    Honestly, badgers has very little influence in every day life and if it helps farmers by stopping the spread of the disease, then lets go for it.

  4. It is sad and i am sickened by the thought of it

    Badgers are a  part of the countryside and should not be culled

  5. I think its disgusting.  the badgers are being used as an excuse.  British farming is c**p. the farmers use excuse after excuse for poor results.  The tax payer has to bail them out year after year and for what?  I think we should leave the badgers and get rid of the farmers. after all the badgers were there long before they were.

    I'll gladly sign the petition

  6. Whats wrong with this government?Are they blaming all this foot and mouth disease and all the others, on everyone but themselves.

    I have signed the petition as given in the answer above.

  7. It's a terrible prospect. The proof that they carry disease is just not conclusive. Badgers are one of Britains most fasinating creatures. The world would be a sadder, poorer place without them.

  8. They'd make more money at it if they charged retail prices.

  9. Well, they have to make shaving brushes out of something don't they?

  10. love them but they do carry disease

    they should be trapped alive and put into national trust parks

    but the national trust only want money so they wont do it

  11. We need to keep badgers around so that we will have something to make shaving brushes from.

  12. I don't think you should do it.

  13. Like a line from a Humphrey Bogart movie - "Badgers?  We don't need no stinkin' badgers!"

  14. I don't like hearing that any animals are being killed it should be banned, unless there is a humane way of getting rid of pest animals like rats.

  15. well badgers should be culled because they are spreading diseases to cows etc which we eat and they are disgusting creatures just like foxes

  16. I don't agree with culling full stop.  It sickens me to think that when we decide there are too many of a certain animal we just go out and committ mass murder.


  18. Badgers are evil and venomous didn't you know, we must all live in fear of the big dangerous dancing badgers.

    this evil and manipulative film can only confirm how very wrong they are.

  19. Kill em all.

  20. (((((((((((((((sign this petition)))))))))))))

  21. I find it funny that many of the people saying badgers should not be killed because they are overpopulated are the same ones saying we should have population controls/kill off the human population.

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