
How do you feel about this article about immigration?

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  1. im not going to read it...

    but you should think about this...

    we need to put OUR people first.

    what part of ILLEGAL don't you understand?

  2. It makes some valid points. There will be a resolution one way or the other, some will agree with it some not. There will always be those who do not believe anything unless its from the World Net Daily or some other biased website which supports their views.

  3. I think its all lies.

  4. It's a propaganda piece written by a pro-illegal alien brown-noser

  5. Pure bull!

    Come live in Phoenix!

  6. I don't find any credibility in it at all.

  7. A total propaganda piece.

    I think it's treasonous to say we can't kick out all the lawbreakers.

  8. The real answer is buried in the middle -- there are over 22 million US citizens, primarily high school dropouts, who are unemployed and available to take every one of those jobs held by illegal aliens.  And they would pay (and the employers contribute to) Social Security taxes.  Their paychecks would stay here instead of being wired (or smuggled) offshore.  They would pay for their rent and food instead of raiding charity food banks and illegally claiming welfare.

    The departure or deportation of every immigration-law violator in the US would generate the greatest economic boom this country has seen in over 30 years.

  9. Complete, total, utter hogwash.

    And totally refuted by this article:

    What do you think about it now?

  10. I think it's absolute rubbish.

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