
How do you feel about this one ?

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On TV last night a grim faced Alistair Darling said we ( being the general public) must not demand further wage increases. The day before the papers stated the government are poised to vote on a proposed £10,OOO increase in salaries for MP's. How's about that then?




  1. Hypocrisy of the 1st degree,with a cherry on top!

  2. I understand that in fact the cross party MP's on the committee were recommending a pay rise of £21,000 a year, but I have not been able to establish what the structure was.

    In fairness to the government I also understand they have already come out against this, but as MP's can vote on their own salaries we will have to wait and see.

    I'm no Labour supporter but the gesture by the cabinet(and the shadow cabinet) not to have a pay rise this year shows some sensitivity but we shouldn't get carried away about that!

    The 'executive' (the government) may be made up from MP's of the majority party but they are not the parliament, this is a parliamentary decision and every body should write to their local MP saying that they are unhappy at this rise and that we expect our politicians to bear the pain as well as the electorate, especially as they can offset some cost increases through their legitimate expenses. (increased rail fares for example)

  3. The Not So New Labour Government expects ney demands that every one takes less wages whilst the cost of living sky rockets,why?BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY ARE UP $HIT CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE I SHOULD IMAGINE BORROWING SO MUCH EUROPE,INDIA, AMERICA AND CHINA ALREADY OWN US

  4. In common with Dr Goebbels, keep on telling the lie and people will eventually believe it as the truth.

    It is possible to fool all of the people all of the time, Tory,  Labour and the former Liberal Party are past masters at it but the people never learn and carry on voting for each of these self seeking people time after time.

  5. Well, it`s like the recent Tanker Driver`s 14 per cent increase.

    Of course, we all need a rise now, if we could get it, but most of us can`t. Especially those on basic wages.

    The tanker driver`s settlement will only add to drive petrol-prices yet higher, as if they are not already high enough.

    It is only because the companies are making so much money that they caved in so easily - `pass it on to the consumer` has become the mantra of retailing and industry.

    Notice also, the Government never mentions cutting the tax-take.

    Quote "But with overtime and other payments, their average earnings is expected to be almost £42,000 by the end of the second year, it is believed."

  6. In fairness they haven't actually voted to accept any wage rise at all

  7. God knows, isn't it the only job you need no qualifications for?

    The general rule is to think to yourself " what are they up to and why" when dealing with the government.

    Someone further up said it was so they could vote NO and set an example, a win win situation  for them, they either pretend to be setting a good example or get £10,000 a year extra !

    If they hadn't have made a total mess of everything then we wouldn't be asking for wage rises in the first place.

  8. I've stopped watching politicians on TV because I am fed up of throwing up!!!

    But yes, he is a hippocrite just like all the others are!!!!

    And he's not getting on very well with that moustache he's trying to grow to match his eyebrows.  LOL

  9. Well Sir Jimmy, I think it's a bloody disgrace, they're so far removed from the problems within this country, they really have no idea that many people are truly living in poverty, the public are fed of the crime oh sod it I can't go on or I'll be here all night and I've got to find some other questions to try and answer.

  10. They may be doing it so they can vote against a pay rise for themselves, in order to "set an example" to the rest of us. I'm sure that is why Gordon Brown has told Ministers in my view quite rightly -  that they will not be getting a pay rise this year.

    And incidentally, it's not the government which is poised to vote, it is Parliament. Quite a difference.

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