
How do you feel about using a surrogate mother?

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How do you feel about using a surrogate mother?




  1. Well, I've BEEN a surrogate mother twice, having given birth to twins and a singleton as a gestational carrier.  As far a using one, having been through this first hand and seeing the bond a surrogate and her intended parents make with one another, if faced with infertility I would definitely do it.  

    Its easy for those who are not faced with infertility to say "oh i'd just adopt" but they don't have to really make that decision.  I have so much awe and respect for those who have turned to surrogacy to build their families; the amount of strength and trust it takes to go through something like this is huge.  

    So how do I feel?  It is a great option.  Unlike adoption, there is no waiting list, there is no possibility of the surrogate changing her mind (gestational), there are no hoops to jump through (for example, g*y couples do not have to be "approved", and no one needs a home visit), and the child is biologically yours.  

  2. For others considering it, go ahead.

    For me, I wouldn't be able to do it.If I wanted a biological child, I would want to be the one to grow and give birth to it.

    I would adopt if I couldn't get pregnant.

  3. It was one of the options that i considered when i first found out about my PCOS.  I think for some it is a great option for others not so good of an idea.  My one friend volunteered to be my surrogate if I wanted her to be.  

  4. I see nothing wrong with it. I would not feel like it was not my own child just because i did not give birth to him or her. I would though want it to be from my own egg though and not hers.

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