
How do you feel about your Mother In Law?

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i love mine she is the best ( i knkow it is weird huh)




  1. I love my mother in law too! Before my husband and I got married, I was engaged to another man. His mother would have been the mother in law from h**l. She was too attached to her son, so she became very petty, angry, controlling, obsessive, and psychotic in many ways. She did so many horrible things, including ordering me to take off the engagement ring during Thanksgiving because looking at it was ruining her holiday, telling others that her son didn't love me and didn't want to marry me and was going to leave me (while I was in the room) at Christmas, and screaming at me and kicking me out of her house when I asked her son for a glass of water (she said I was demanding and controlling, but I tried to explain to her that I only asked because I literally didn't know where the glasses were in her house!). Trust me when I say all of the incidents were unprovoked. I eventually left her son, because I realized I did not want her as my mother in law for the rest of my life, and I realized it was an unhealthy family I did not want to be a part of. Now I am so glad that I don't feel like its a competition between me and my mother in law over my husband. She is very cool, very down to Earth, and very understanding. Some mothers have trouble letting go, they feel like they are losing their son, or that the woman is taking away her little boy. My mother in law, she never saw it like that, and was always thankful we found each other, we love each other, and she sees that I genuinely take care of her son and support him. She doesn't dictate his time, either. He is currently deploying to Iraq, and he gets a few days leave here and there, and she's never felt like she has to be included whenever he has leave. Most of the time, we are happy to include her and my father in law because they are just nice people, but they also respect our privacy and our boundaries, and whenever we want or need alone time, they never have issues with it. Sometimes I am just amazed because I know it has to be hard for her, with her son newly married and deploying soon, because he only gets a certain amount of time, so most of it goes to me. But she is never petty about it, and loves it when I call her and told her I heard from him, that he says hello, even if he doesn't call her himself very often. I really do love my mother in law, and we actually get together regularly now that he is stationed away, just the two of us. I honestly think we get along so well because after dealing with my ex fiance's mother, I realize what an angel she is compared to others!!! But, really, she is a great person. For all that have bad mother in laws, visit Its a fun site that I used to use when dealing with the crazy ex fiance's mother!!!

  2. Nothing wrong with that, the mother in law is a human being too.

  3. I loved mine too.  I had her for over 30 years and miss her very much.  I was young when I got married and she taught me so much.  I very much valued her advice.

    Honestly, I don't think it is weird at all.  I grew up in a family where there where not in-law issues.  Also my sister has great in-laws as do I.

    I really never realized it was a problem until the last few years.  It's to bad some women are to proud to value the insight and advice our mother-in-laws can have.

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