
How do you feel about your children listen to the music that's in today?

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My 13 year old daughter is like most, listens to the songs that are in. That includes rap.

If she wants to play her iPod on the entertainment system (plays throughout the house) I tell her the "clean verison" of the songs. Other then that, I let her play it. Just no swears that the kids can pick up.

I remember "Crank That" being conversel on here, but my kids listened to it. I even have it on video my 4 year old trying to do the dance. I know what it means, not the best message, but does a 4 year old know? Probably not. Anyway, how do you feel about songs like that?




  1. music is music, i listen to all types of music no what it says. just as long as i like it. if it swears or somehting and if she likes it you should let her listen to it, if you just try to keep it away from her she'll end up listen to it one way or another and then she WILL use the bad words, thats life...

  2. My boys only seem to like Country music.  If I turn something else on they really don't seem to listen, unless it is like childrens music or something.  I know my oldest son likes "I like big butts and I can not lie" and he use to dance to that and sing it when he was like 2 years old but over all they seem to love to listen to country music, not that some of that isn't inappropriate too of course.  

  3. i will let my kids listen to what they please (she is only one so does not care yet and i am 3 months pregnant) but as you said  prefer the clean versions..

    just a comment i really hate rap songs these days all it is is s*x, drugs and girls (with less nice names for them) and it sickens me how they can say the same thing over and over again and make money on it..the other day i heard some "rapper" "rapping" about tamales and chicken are they serious

  4. You can't really control the music they listen to, but i don't think that's what your tyring to do. But even if your kids do know what it means, it doesn't mean it's something they're doing, which is what's important. It;s a good idea letting your daughter play the clean version throughout the house. Very fair. : )

  5. Personally I can't stand any of the music that's "in" these days and I'm thankful that my 14 year old feels the same way (her favorite band is Belle and Sebastian go figure)

    Some of the popular songs these days are absolutely sickening. I miss the days of simple love songs and ballads.

  6. Yep, same with my 12 year old twin girls. But not the stuff like Crank That, more like r&b and hip hop, and rock. Like the Jonas Brothers-they LOVE them. I don't like the songs infested with swears, my daughters like some of them, but they can't repeat the swears.

  7. Nothing bad. I'm 13 and all my friends listen to explicit stuff. Really she likes that music so let her listen to it.

  8. I don't really mind. You should hear some of the songs, I grew up listening to.

    *I got stoned and I liked it*

    Who the F*** is Alice*

    Ahhh Dr Hook. Sighs. No worse now than it was then.

  9. oh my 13 yr old is like that to she listens to EVERYTHING (metal, rock, death metal, emo, rap, pop etc)

  10. Right now my 12 year old daughter is into the Jonas Brothers.

    And about the Crank That its prefectly fine.

    My 12 year old daughter is dancing to it and my 4 year old son is trying to copy her.

    So I think its fine.

    And its not like they are going to start talking like a gangster or slang.

    I do not like if my daughter listens to songs that say curse words.

    And like you for the little kids not to hear it.

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