
How do you feel about your country - are you patriot ?

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How do you feel about your country - are you patriot ?




  1. Yes as I have two countries Scotland which I am immensely proud of because of the great history and culture but also I am British which I like being because of the Empire/Commonwealth and the winning of medals at the olympics

  2. I live in America. But would never really define myself as an American. Only in the sense that I am living in the nation with said name. I do not agree with how the government is being run, nor have I any support for our current war or wars before this. I do not support what the troops are doing, and only wish that they come back home to live a life with some dignity back.

    I hate the lies me and my fellow citizens are being told daily on the news. I hate that we have become so politically correct that we have to tip toe over every issue now. I hate that was make race an issue, or even define it as anything other than color.

    I would more clearly define myself as a citizen of the world. As having no nationality. But simply an individual. I guess my ideology could be pseudo attaches to Nationalism or Anarchism.  

  3. I love my country...I hate the government, they lie, they cheat, they they beat, they steel, and deny everything...reminds me of my ex-husband..I hate him too.

  4. This was once a great country, now its just a dumping ground for other countries.....J

  5. Although a dumping ground, I can only say you can take the person out of England, but not take England out of the person.

    Steal England or USA or let it be plundered, now that is another matter, but none of the regular folk brought that shite on.

  6. It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

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