
How do you feel about your intelligence?

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How do you feel about your intelligence?




  1. My intelligence is fine. My social skills on the other hand...

  2. I feel that my intelligence isn't all that good :(

    I would like to be smarter, BUT you know what?

    I was dumb for a reason! lmao

  3. i know i'm smart. why?

  4. elated.

  5. define intelligence.....there r many kinds of intelligence...some do languages perfectly..and suck in maths..others the oppopsite..

    personally i do great in all my subject..iam goin to study medicine..wish me good luck..

    and u r smart..u just have to find out what ur smart and most brilliant in..

  6. Not too fly.

  7. Quite proud. Why?

    My husband says the problem with considering myself just intelligent is that anyone who doesn't know what I know is NOT intelligent.

    So he says I should consider myself very, very, very intelligent. This way, anyone who doesn't know as much as I do can still be very, very intelligent. :)

  8. c**p lol

  9. Grateful and I use it to the best of my ability.

  10. I am complicated. I don't know if that is considered intelligent.

  11. I am extremely proud of being fourteen years old and extremely intelligent (Oh God, I sound like I'm boasting and gloating, don't I?) I do very well in school and do particularly well in English literature and language because, to my surprise, I'm top of the class. One subject I dislike is maths! I find it extremely complicated and I'm utterly incompetent when confronted with any sort of task concerning numbers!

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