
How do you feel about your job? Are you comfortable? Can you come and go as you please? ?

by  |  earlier

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Can you take time off

when you need to?

What do you do and for how long?

What's your biggest complaint?

Do you have more than you can handle?




  1. I'm pretty happy with my job.  of course i'd like more money & I'd quit tomorrow if i won the lottery.  but yes, i rarely have to answer to anyone, my hours are very flexible, and I can get up and leave any time i need to, even to go get a haircut.  some days are worse than others as far as being overwhelmed, but that just makes the day go by faster.  my bosses are great, and we often go out for beers after work.  heck, tomorrow, we're calling it a customer appreciation day and going out on the bosses sailboat with one of our clients.  i couldn't ask for a better job.

  2. I work doing payroll and accounts payable/receivable. Have been for about 5 years. Yeah, I can take time when I need it. Biggest complaint- it is boring and noone ever wants to hear about your day. No, no more than I can handle.

  3. I'm self-employed as a photographer and consultant. I can normally set my own hours and come and go as I please. When scheduling photo shoots, I'm usually restricted to certain time frames, but I can schedule other activities around them. Most of my "paying" work is done on weekends, which leaves the weekdays for me to do mostly as I please. I enjoy my job very much because it's something I love to do. It really doesn't seem like work. I've been doing this for about five years.  

  4. I love my job. Been there for 14 years so I can take time off when I want to and if there's an emergency with my kids or something I can leave at the drop of a hat.  I'm an office manager.

    No complaints and I can handle my workload.

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