
How do you feel about your younger siblings?

by Guest45201  |  earlier

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Do you hate them? Are you friends with them? Are you over-protective or do you just not care? How close are you?




  1. I dont hate them (actually I love them) but I don't always get along with them... We are always in competition with each other. I would not say we are friends but we do things together, and from being the middle child I know what it feels like to be rejected from an older sibbling, and would never do that to my little sister and brother. Of course im over protective thats my blood and I would never want to see them hurt in ANY way!!! I would say that we are close but not best friends, maybe with time the closeness will increase but for now they are my little brother and sister so "Get out of my ROOM"

    Hope this helps??

  2. i love mine because they are incubation for spare parts!!!

  3. hate them not close at all

  4. I'm only really close to my youngest sister - she's 15 years younger. I have two others, and I've always resented their presence.

    My family wasn't able to do vacations or attend a lot of my school functions because the others were "too small". It really hurt my feelings to see my parents go to all of the events my younger sibs had while they skipped a good percentage of mine.

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