
How do you feel when children use freedom of speech?

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Do you think today's young generation has too much free reign with their tongues?

Do you think parents should work harder to control what sort of things children are allowed to say, or do you think they should be able to say what they like?

Do you have an example of something a child has done to you (that is not your own child) that you consider disrespectful?




  1. well im not what youre refering to as a child and im not a parent either.  but ive said f'cked up stuff when i was younger and eventually i got smacked.  sometimes by my parents, sometimes by other people.  so, tell your kid not to say stuff like that and leave it at that.  if they listen, good.  if they dont, they got it comin'.  =)

  2. Generations are a funny thing. Really you need to be more exact with your question. Some time ago i thought that kids were losing it but then i think perrants are but i think its the new life that we live in and now you for some reason cause see that there is good ad bad in evey one its just a shame that we mostly see the bad in perrants through therechildrenn. SPEND MORE QUALITYITY TIME WITH YOUR KIDS (you could be dead in 10 years and money won't help)  

  3. Are you talking cussing and things to that nature disrespect to elders and people around them?

    If so then yes it fustrates me for more reason then one.

    They blame people MY age I am 24.

    When it is not me but my parents and the parents of people my age.(Just a note my parents were good but it is their generation.)

  4. Structure is needed, but often not given.

    I have to say I don't like seeing children stand up and speak whatever comes into their minds because they have been allowed to get away with it by their parents.

    I've had kids comment on my weight in the supermarket and the parents just keep walking and don't correct them.  

    I find it hard to hear children say "I'm boooored." or - "I hate that person, or my teacher." "that person is weird."

    Some parents just giggle as if it's ok, when their kids are being quiet hurtful.  They are forgiven by their parents because they are children.

    I would have got a bunch of fives if I said that as a kid.  It wouldn't have hurt me either.

    If they are allowed to say they are bored all the time, they will and grow ungrateful.

    If they are allowed to say they hate people, they will continue to do it and get away with it.

    Some teachers are powerless because there are certain things they are not allowed to correct kids on without the parents getting angry and not seeing their point on discipline.


  5. Freedom of speech means you have the right to speak whenever you want.

    Not the right to say what you want.

    The parents should set some rules about the stuff they don't want their kids to say.

  6. With freedoms come responsibilities - something people have forgotten.  The right of freedom of speech was meant to allow people to speak freely about thie GOVERNMENT, not to say anything they want.  In the old days, and even today, governments restrict what their citizens and others say, which allows the government to pass laws that restrict the citizenry without their input and to involve them in international and national situations without their consent - not each persons consent, but the majority consent.  Where people got the idea they could say whatever they want whenever they want without any consequences is ludicrous.  A law of physics: for every action there is a positive and equal reaction.  If parents can't straighten their children out, others have to.  I have four; I know.  Children must learn to respect everyone, or expect to lose everyone's respect - and their freedoms.

  7. parents should put limitations on their children.  Respect seems to be something lacking with the younger of generations.  I had free reign to say what i wanted as a kid but my parents certainly got angry with me if i said something disrespectful.  Kids can't learn without boundaries.

  8. I think you're being a tad absolutist there.

    Saying that parents should work harder to CONTROL is a leading question.

    If anything, i think that parents should do nothing more than let their children know just how much words can hurt, and then show them just what a hurt person will do if he knows who it is that has hurt him/her.

    If you think that's control, then i'm sorry to say it but you have an irrational fear of discipline.

    edit to answer added info: Well gee, i guess i'll just have to agree with you then.

    Do you always give people negative ratings before they have a chance to respond, btw?

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