
How do you feel when it snows?

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How do you feel when it snows?




  1. Like do I have to drive that bus.

  2. I like it and I always have.  When we were little, it meant no school and a day of making igloos, snow forts, and sledding.  Now it gives me a warm feeling of satisfaction and safety, even when they close the roads!   Then it goes back to the "unexpected holiday" feeling.

  3. Horribly depressed

  4. happy, cozy and warm

  5. Happy.

  6. I feel like happiness as only Begun. It just gives me a "new beginning" kinda feeling. It feels so great.

  7. I totally love snow.   The world seems quiet and less complicated.

  8. Snow is a type of precipitation in the form of crystalline water ice, consisting of a multitude of snowflakes that fall from clouds. The process of precipitation is called snowfall.

    Snow forms when water vapor condenses directly into ice crystals, usually in a cloud. Floating cloud particles (ice nucleators, often of biological origin [1]) are needed in order for snowflakes to form at temperatures above -40C. 85% of these nuclei are airborne bacteria, with dust particles making up the rest.[2] The ice crystals which form around the ice nucleators typically have a diameter of several milimetres and usually have six lines of symmetry. A snowflake is an aggregate of such ice crystals and may be several centimeters large[3]. The term "snowflake" is also used below for the symmetrical ice crystals themselves. The individual ice crystals are clear but because of the amount of light the individual crystals reflect snowflakes appear white in color unless contaminated by impurities.

  9. I don't like it AT ALL. and I hate to drive on it.  But I have to say this past winter, we had an ice storm, and all the naked branches of the trees were heavily coated in ice, and it looked like all the trees were made of glass, it was really pretty with the sun sparkling on them, and for the first time ever I actually liked winter (for about 3 minutes, then I got in my car and slid to work)

  10. Cold.

  11. Raised in Minnesota.  Enjoyed the sleding and skating.

    Worked in Colorado.  Enjoyed the skiing.

    Now retired.  Hate snow and cold weather.  Head south late October and don't return until April.  Can do without seeing snow again, except on the mountain tops.

  12. The first couple of snow falls are always nice but after a long winter, I develop an aversion toward the snow.  However, a "white Christmas" is always ideal!

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