
How do you feel when you miss your familly?

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how do you feel when you miss your familly?




  1. when I'm missing my family I feel sad,lonely,and I don't know what to do.My family means everything to me and we are all so close to eachother.But I know that I have to move on and let my family grow and have the life they have always dreamed of and they have to do the same for me but it is so hard...I miss my family right now and I sometimes wish they would have never moved away and went on with their lives...I know it sounds so selfish of me 2 say this but I wish they would have never left me..I love them and we barely talk to eachother anymore.Its like I don't know who they are anymore.When I begin to think about them I start to cry and I don't know what else too do...if you want me 2 be honest with you right now my eyes are starting to water up.I miss my family right now...but I know I have to move on and let them be...them.

  2. extremely sad. lonely

  3. Family that has passed away? Or family that has gone for a while?

    I'll tell you both...  When someone in my family passes away, I feel like a piece of my heart has fallen to the ground. Because everyone in my family means so much to me.

    But when someone in my family leaves for a while, like when my dad goes to Iraq. I feel so worried that something is going to happen to him, I guess you could say I get paranoid!  

  4. Well I will be a bit sad but I cheer myself up and have a great time like I bring pictures of my family and pets and friends. I have a ring and a bear they gave me, I kiss my family good night when I call them, but if they past away You need a new life cause you know they don`t want you to be sad all the time right? maybe you should asked people you trust.

  5. Sad mostly.

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