
How do you feel when you see a Muslim woman wearing her headscarf (Hijab) in the streets of Britain?

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How do you feel when you see a Muslim woman wearing her headscarf (Hijab) in the streets of Britain?









Or something else?




  1. I've seen it in the mall in Canada. I didn't think much of it, just "Look, there's a woman in a hijab. That's the first time I've seen one in person." My mom, who has a "thing" about Muslims, screamed. Seriously.

  2. I live in the U.S.A.  My main thought if I see a woman (or a man) in any sort of muslim dress is, "Oh boy...I wonder if they speak English....I'd like to give them a business card!"

    You see I raise meat goats.  Over 90% of my customers are Muslim.

    The Muslim customers I deal with have always been pleasant and respectful of me.  I have no more problem with a woman wearing a Hijab, than I do with a Catholic wearing a cross, or a Jewish person wearing the pray shawl, and skull cap (which is zero problem).  

    It's part of their religion, and none of my business.  As someone who has asthma, I do wonder how women are able to breath under the full burkas though.

    The one thing I DO wonder about is how the wives feel about their husbands coming and doing business with a woman who is not of their religion, does not wear a headscarf, and has dark red hair that facinates their husbands (I catch them looking at times, especially when I'm in the sun)!


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  3. Well I do not live in Britain, but when in America I feel curious, as well as respectful and admiration for her following her religion without fear.

  4. I suppose i feel a bit confused. Like, for f*ck sake, why do that to yourself.

    England is a free country, plus you ain't gonna get raped here for 'being too revealing', then get blamed for alowing it to happen!!!

  5. Neutral. Where I live I dont get to meet a lot of them. I would probably have a lot more to think of than the fact that they are wearing religious clothing.

    "Its just, when they expect us to be the same.. " - I dont agree with this cuz I dont think they want us to be the same.

  6. My first reaction is usually

    "OH c**p, NINJA!"

    Seriously, I don't trust anyone who doesn't show their face unless they have a d**n good reason (horrific burns etc).

    People covering their faces are usually up to no good.

  7. None of those things, to be honest I kind of feel a detachment like they are on a completely differen plane to me.Not meaning that one or the other is inferior, just different. Of course I would make conversation etc if we talked but just seeing them in the street it feels like we are two completely seperate cultures.

  8. As being it's a free country, I tend to assume she chose to wear it.  I choose respectful.

  9. Something else !

    Hypocrisy in the name of intolerant religion.

  10. It is their choice. I feel that hijab (When you are young 0-21 years of age is unecessary). I dont wear the hijab. And yes, i am a muslim woman. I am proud of my arabic heritage, religion, and awe-inspiring beauty but i dont think that just because your hair is showing and you see the outline of a body does not mean you are going to be raped. Seriously. But times have changed since Gabriel gave Muhammad the Quran. You are more likely to get raped by wearing the hijab than not wearing it, due to the fact that you will stand out. I believe that you should dress modestly and not look like a hoochi. I think it depends on country to country. Like here in america and maybe Britian too, it is known as unique to see a woman wearing the hijab and does aspire fear among people who never knew or met a muslim american before and were influenced way too much by the media to know that they are not causing harm to other people. They just are practicing their religion. But seriously. The things that a bunch of misguided (i have to say that since it is on the internet) or crazy insane muslim men put on their woman is driving us normal muslims NUTS! You see, i am really sad that so many people believe this islamophobia going around, but i also like to view in the muslim haters prospective, they never knew or met a muslim american before, hear the news on the opression of woman, teorrist attack attempts, and taliban shinanegans. this is likely to cause hate and fear like "why do these people do this, this means that all of them are that way". This is truly false. Like i wont hate a person just because they hate my heritage and religion, i dont want to sink to their level, if they insult me like saying i have a bomb in my bookbag i just say, why jealous cause you dont have that arabian stunna look. I mean, i am doing what many muslim judgers do right now, like i am looking at waran jeff's clan and thinkin, what freaks!  Many muslims dont wear the hijab, or force opression on their spouses. This barely happens in america but other places it does. Like afghanistan. This is just sickening how these two poor woman were excecuted because the taliban believed that they were prostitutes without any facts. It differs from country to country but in afganistan it really has gotten out of hand, i mean the burquas. Come on! But in other countries they are raised to believe this and believe so.  But here in america. Watch out the crazy arab girls are in town! Lol! Me and my cousins go to the mall, and like do stuff that the normal caucasian white gal does, except we dont drink or eat pork. I swear my cousins are like the party animals of the town. They go, those crazy Zayid(last name) gals are at it again! Of course, most muslims in other countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places view this as indispicable behavior. But we view it as...well...a part of our personality! If you go to america, i will like you to meet a NORMAl Muslim american family. By the way if you meet the crazy zayid girls, make sure to run cause they will annoy the c**p out of you. But not all of us are total party goers, my cousins are like pharmacists, doctors, lawyers, even one is a aspiring fashion designer, and my aunt is president of the American Arab asociation.  But i have to admit some woman are brainwashed and some men are overopressive even in america. So you better watch who you meet. Believe me, i know you are semi assured now. But wait till you meet people like us! The party is 24-7!

  11. I'm generally pretty neutral towards the woman.  I was in the mall a few weeks back and I was walking hand in hand with my fiance and wearing a sun dress. We met a couple.. she was in full attire, and walking a few steps behind her husband and he was in completely western clothes.

    He seemed offended at my attire / relationship.

    He locked eyes with me and didn't cut his glare until we had passed.

    It is those type of men that make me angry.. the ones you can just see are mentally sentencing you to death by stoning because your culture is different from theres.

    I would say I feel sorry for the women.. but that sounds condesending.  In most cases, they do not oppose their lifestyle.  However, I DO feel sorry for the little girls I see.. that aren't yet of the age to wear the traditional garb.  I think they are so cute and innocent.. and would love to raise them up and give them all the opportunities they deserve.

  12. Its just their religion. Who cares what they wear.

  13. Well I'm more or less neutral. Its just, when they expect us to be the same.. Coming to live in our country, building their mosques or whatever.

  14. Angry.  I hate the things...hate everything about that costume.  They are everywhere where I live, and the most recent idiocy was related to a man wearing a turban who thought he should be exempt from helmet laws because they (helmets) got in the way of his turban (thankfully, he didn't win that one).  Schools in Montreal are having major issues with females in hijabs...all around the western world, there are battles about this particular form of expression of religious affiliation.   And no, assimilation is not happening--in virtually every case, those who wear the things are taking their issues to court and are winning.  In fact, here in Canada, it is legal to carry the "sacred knives" that are a part of some sect's religion.  These knives are out in the open, hanging off men's and women's belts.  It is also criminal, in my opinion, that the former symbol of Canada--the RCMP (the image of which is now "owned" by the US) is no longer a uniform with a specific piece of headgear because someone took the issue to court, citing discrimination--can't wear a turban under that hat, don't you know.  Now, sure...eliminate the original symbol and insert turban.  Currently, there is a case before the supreme court (I believe) regarding some Muslim's distaste at having to swear allegiance to the Queen--standard procedure in Canada--and that part of Canadian history is also about to change.  We might as well call ourselves a muslim colony because that's exactly what we've become in Canada.  So, in a nutshell--it is now considered offensive and, in some places, illegal, to put up a Christmas tree, but wearing knives, burkhas, turbans, and whatever else is perfectly fine.  You gotta wonder.

  15. Neutral, as long as it's her choice.

    Angry if her family/husband is making her.

  16. I live in Canada and see that somewhat regularly. I instantly have more respect for those women because they have modesty and respect for themselves. I guess it shows that they value themselves enough to not parade their bodies around.

    I respect their modesty which is rare nowadays. I`m not your average person though. I`m reserved and value calmness, modesty, quiet stoicism and being laconic.

  17. something else.

  18. i admire their dedication to religion, but get really angry about the fact that they can wear them into banks and shops etc with no part of their face showing, but people have to take of hats hoods and helmets for 'security'

    anyone could be under the hijab.

  19. Nothing at all, I see them every single day where I live, full on burqa's and everything.

  20. I wouldn't care my concern is if they assimilate to that countries ways. An not try to stay self contained in there own small communities.

  21. When I was a kid in Wales the wearing of headscarves was very common.

    It is nothing to do with muslimism.

    (Of course it is different when headgear is used to conceal identity.)

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