
How do you feel when you see two people sitting on the same side of the booth leaving the other side empty?

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I think its disgusting.




  1. I  like  to  see  a  man  and  woman  sitting  together  on  the  same  side of  the  booth.  However,  it  could  also  be  that  one  of  them  has  a  hearing  defect...

  2. I always think it's really hard to have a conversation that way. And it just seems lopsided.

  3. They might be trying to see the TV.


    Waiting on some friends.

    Good luck.

  4. They're either sharing a plate...

    Waiting for their double dates to arrive...

    Or fingering/handjob each other. :D  

  5. I do it, Our conversation is more intimate, I am able to put my arm around my wife, and who the fvck cares what you think about it. I suppose when you drive down the road, your passenger must face you also.

  6. I think it's weird. I'm not a perfectionist but I like with things are the same on the sides like

    =///\\\=              -//\\/=

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  7. I think they are expecting company.

  8. Nice tan bateman!  I hate it!! I think it is also disgusting.

  9. I don't feel any way about it. But what I think is that they love each other and want to sit close to each other.  

  10. Aw leave them alone they are probably newbies. It dose not bother me in the least bit unless they are all over each other and I am trying to eat.

  11. I do that with my wife some times and then at other times i don't but as

    for disgusting? love is anything but disgusting what ever a couple do,

    i'm married 41 years to an angel and to this day, we're still like high

    school sweet hearts, i'll  tell what's disgusting, this f***ing toilet called

    a society, where beauty has become a thing to be crucified, and

    people who say they still believe in love and commited relationships

    are mocked and looked at as being weak and needy, a society that

    speaks of tlove through the mouth of a gun, as though it were a taboo

    subject, behold the young man or woman with there cavilere attitude,

    saying they'll never marry or be a slave to love, they can go it alone,

    right, now they can as they saunter so arrogantly in there imagined

    invincability, wait'll old age enters the picture  and there shuned by a

    new rendition  of what they once were, written off and snubed, left only

    to wonder what it might have been like to know real love, or as you put

    it, such a disgusting thing . . .

  12. My husband and i do that. What's so bad.The kids won't let us at home.


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