
How do you fight and win a shorter person?

by Guest31680  |  earlier

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How do you fight and win a shorter person?




  1. Depends on their build.  If you are tall and skinny and they are short and muscular you need to keep them at a distance and use your reach advantage.  If it is the other way around all you have to do is just do a flying knee to the head.

    in fact you can use it in any situation of a shorter/person diving for your legs.

  2. well.... just the same as a taller person, but you aim lower, and YOU DO NOT let him get in the inside , to grasp a hold of you. You stay out of his reach and throw straights at him, and the occasional right hook  

  3. i dont think it is leagal for a short person to be a prize.

  4. are you the shorter or is your opponent the shorter. if you are both under 5 foot tall you are both shorter

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