
How do you fight off extreme suicidal moods ?

by  |  earlier

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As for me, I always tell myself that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Also, I pray that I do not do something that I will have to regret forever.

So how about you ?

God Bless.




  1. Remember your friends and family and how much hurt you'd cause them if you went through with it. Surely there's a better way to deal with your problems than ending your life?

    It's funny, on Thursday, I found out a close friend had tried to overdose, because she got fired for Gross Misconduct. Luckily she failed and was made to drink liquid charcoal to stop any effects. Thinking about it, she's 100% sure she was set up, because her manager hates her and her (L*****n) lifestyle, and now she's looking at legal action.

  2. I do the same. Or I call someone I love that loves me. (I don't call them and threaten my life to tell them what I'm thinking.. I just talk and remind myself how lucky I am to have them) I also daydream about the best day I've had lately and how much fun it was. I don't really feel suicidal too much. Maybe 4 times ever in my life that lasted at most just hours.. which is nothing compared to the joy I've lived.

  3. "Extreme" suicidal moods should be dealt with by a PSYCHIATRIST- a medical doctor.  Something so serious is way too dangerous to be left out of the care of a doctor.

    The main problem is that extreme depression is often accompanied by a desire to continue to feel that way or worse.

  4. wen i was 12  my parents were fightitng evrynight and evry dsay i felt like running off a cliff adn then i thought about running away then i talked to a friend that  had tried both and he said it turns outr to make things worsee than in the beginning and he stopped me from doing sumtyhing would recomend counseling i am goign through it sumtimes sonn becuz my family is still frigging psychotic

  5. I don't have the problem, but you are right in that is permanent, and is not the way. It will help to find a Christian counselor.  I pray that you are delivered of this thing. In the Name of Jesus.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Â Prayer Warrior At Your Request†  

  6. medication?

    ask 4 help in ur religious place, wht evr ur religion is...

    unless u dont have one?

  7. Find Religion.  

  8. talk to somebody you get along with real well...and when i'm pissed i just do something that makes me really tired until i'm to tired to be pissed off lol, like lifting weights or something

  9. I try to remember that whatever happens everything will be alright in the end. I know it's so. Then, there are so much things in this world to see and to do, and I don't want to bring pain for people who love me...  

  10. Its a door to h**l.

  11. i read about the best methods to commit suicide and then i feel enlightened, therefore avoiding the situation

  12. You sound religious...... Suicide is not religious. It's more like "I want to go to h**l"ish sounding. Just embrace life. It was made to be good. Make it work. Good luck!

  13. You could kill yourself, that would get rid of the moods.


  14. well find somthing you like to do ,

    i like walking around ,

    so whenever im really really sad ,

    i just do what i like to do ,

    so i walk around everywhere ,

    go to places i like going to .

    or hang out with the people i love ,

    hope that helps .

  15. think of all the stupid people around me, and remind myself that i will no longer be able to torment them if i killed myself.

    there is nothing more soothing than malicious thoughts

  16. Call your local crisis center or, if you don't have one, then call the National Suicide and Prevention Hotline...

  17. I hang out with my friends and have as much fun as I can :D And I pray to God, ever since I started going to Church my problems slowly disappeared and I started to feel better and do better in school, keep praying to God talk to him as much as you can like a father:] stupid it's like God gave you a life and you just throw it away :[ so yeah Go to church pray pray pray! Goodluck! I'll pray for you!:D Also.. find a great friend and tell them about your problems seriously finding the right friends will help a lot! I told my friend about my problems and she started to help me the demons are trying to get you pulling you deeper and deeper but my friend pulled me back:] she got me into church and everything we've been best friends for a long time! Never fought=] so yeah! Get good good friends!

  18. think about how selfish it is and how many people will be effected by your would break my grandmothers heart i know that much

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