
How do you figure out who to root for when...?

by Guest32495  |  earlier

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...The two teams closest to your team in the division have to play each other?

For instance, the Brewers and the Cardinals have to play each other now, so who do Cubs fans root for?




  1. root for whoever is closer to you in the standings, like braves over cardinals

  2. If I had to choose between rooting for the Cardinals or the Brewers, I'd root for the Brewers. I hate them both, but I hate the Cardinals more.

  3. You always root for the team that has the worst record of the 2 teams. That way, your team will gain a game if they win.

  4. You root for whoever is in 3rd place. As a Cub fan I want the closest team to us to lose, it's that simple.

  5. I root for the team that is in 3rd Place!  You wouldn't want the team that was in Second Place to get to close to you (1/2, 1, 1-1/2 Games Back) or even tie you in first!

    For Example:

    Yesterday I was rooting for the Marlins(3rd Place) because they were playing the Phillies that are in (2nd Place)!

    Great Question!

  6. I root for the team who is farthest from my team in the standings. example... marlins played phillies this weekend. I rooted for the Marlins because as close as they are, their victory means a 1st place for us Mets. If the two teams are tied, i root for the team the Mets have a better chance of beating!

  7. I believe the Brewers are only going to get better the rest of the season.

    One way or another the Brew Crew will be in the playoffs, can't say if its as a division winner for certain, but they will be there.

    If the Cards were playing the Cubs I'd root for the team with the worse record every time. But it would be hard to root for either team...

    All I know is the Brewers have to keep winning regardless of the Cubs or Cards...time will tell

  8. uh, Cubs fans root for injuries...

    I am a Brewer's fan, and I think that it is DISGRACEFUL that you are rooting for injuries---shame on you!

  9. i always root against the angels, no matter what place or who they are playing.

  10. I usually root for a split

  11. Well the Brewers won't give them the same kind of trouble in late the Cards. will so that's an easy choice.

    Although the Astros gave them alot of trouble last weekend and it's still July.

    EDIT:They will blow up next month though.Happens every year.Same reason why the Cubs won't make it to the NLCS.

  12. Well example lets say the Rays and Red Sox play i root for the Rays simple as that

  13. I like roadkill's take.

    You hope for a split, and that they clobber each other in the process.  Neither team gains ground.

    I dislike all the Angels' division rivals universally, so a split works.

  14. I hope for a split. I'm not pulling for either of them it could come back to haunt me. I will say that I have hated the Cards long before I hated the Brewers...... go take 2

  15. i would just sit back and watch who looks better and hope that that team isnt on the schedule anytime soon.

    i would also look at the rivalries. i dont see a serious cub fan ever rooting for the cardinals, even if it means rooting for the brewers.

  16. For me, that's an easy decision. If the Rays and Red Sox are playing eachother, I want the Rays to win. Never gonna root for the Red Sox.

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