
How do you find a good, cheap holiday on the internet without hidden extras and with free child places?

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every time i find a place or hotel i like there is always add ons or no free child place when it says there is, guaranteed. hours i've wasted. HELP!!




  1. I always use and then check any place I'm offered (always get named accommodation) on something like tripadvisor.

  2. i use the site is an aggregator affiliated with hotels. com which means it searches other sites and presents you with the best deals available. good luck and hope this helps!

  3. Holidays on the Internet is a farce !

    Your local travel agent has access to the same holidays and prices for all the big tour operators such as Thompson, Cosmos etc. etc. etc.

    Just tell them where you want to go and when and ask for best price ! Tell them you are thinking of looking on the Internet.

    Go to a privately owned Travel Agent and deal wih the owner,

    that way he's not paying staff a commission.

    The important thing is not to mess him  / her about. and then when you think hes offered his best price, ask for more ! An independent agent has the same holidays as the big high street chains, but if he chooses to, he can eat into his commission to secure your business; the high street chains are unlikely to do this.

    Most people are too shy to ask for discount in the UK

    Barter and enjoy having the crack with them !

    Take real cash to pay the deposit and let the agent know it will be real cash ! Credit card payments cost him money to accept !

    Know what you want before hand so as not to waste his time,

    be polite, plead poverty and pay cash ! these are the secrets of obtaining a good deal ! Make sure he's Abta bonded !

    If going to places such as the USA it's worthwhile paying for better grade holiday insurance. In the unfortunate circumstances of needing healthcare in places like that, the Hospital Business Manager will want to see your insurance before anything other than diagnosis commences. If he sees you have adequate cover you or your family will receive treatment second to non, without it, you will only get what little treatment the insurance will pay for ! The ambulance service and dressings and everything is to pay for. Woe betide you if you don't have best cover in USA, you'll need a lottery win !

    Ask travel agent if any visa required to visit your destination, and if any "jabs" needed. Plan ahead, enjoy your holiday.

    If you have kids, take them to Disney World in Orlando Florida, and yes the big kids will enjoy as well including the parents ! Go out of season and save 50% on the entire holiday. Must have hire car in florida, unlike here their life is geared around the motor car, we have a lot to learn from them ! Combine 1 week Orlando and 1 week Gulf coast such as Clearwater Beach / St. Petersberg Beach and you'll not want to come home !!!

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