
How do you find a missing father with little information?

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on my birth certificate my father is listed as someone I have never known, although he met me when I was a baby but that was 45 years ago.. I would like to find out if he is even still alive. If you had to locate this person for medical purposes how would you go about it and what would you say? any opinions would be appreciated,




  1. if there are family members alive talk to them.

    is your mom around or her mom or aunts or uncle??

    if not check the area you were born for your fathers name.

    good luck.

  2. try to get his record ... somewhere on this earth lies the records of everybody

  3. Hire a detective that's experienced in this sort of thing. They can easily get record info too.

  4. nowadays, with no information its almost hopeless...I attempted to find my father several times. All i knew was my mom dated him 2 times no social,  no family, my mom was threw with him after the first date she said they went to the movies and he fell was hot...and for a few more reasons she didnt want to date him and he came back for a second date only this time my mom said no and well lets just say he made it happen and here I am.

    Anyway, with no relative names no birth date or nothing and my mom's silent prayers of hoping I wouldn't find him worked. My mom was little to no help at all ...All I had was a name she knows where he is I aint stupid.....anyway.

    Sometimes its just not meant for us to meet the dad that is not in our lives who knows he may bring you more heartache. It could definitely be a blessing you dont know him, so count your blessings and move on....

    I spent almost three hundred dollars through sites and all trying to find mine and when it was no finding him I took that as a sign.

    But if you really want to find him I believe if you pray and ask God to send him or either trip up on some information that leads or connects you to him...and if its meant to be it will happen.

    Trust me I know how you must feel like there is an empty void feeling, not knowing who you are completely, let alone him. But trust in God it will be okay.....I used to feel my void with men(but it doesnt work) now i feel it with constant prayer. God is and will forever be your true FATHER.

    Best wishes to you!!!

    signed: I know your kind of pain!

  5. hire a private investigator

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