
How do you find a paper route job for a 12 year old???

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in the inner west of sydney




  1. This question is easy to answer......dont worry its very simple to find this kind of job. Looking in the local paper always have adds for young kids to deliver papers. Paper delivery jobs are always in demand. Just call the number on the add. But be warned paper jobs can be tiring. You have to put the papes together AND deliver! make sure you have a good pram or pusher to carry the papers.

  2. go to the local newsagent and see if there are any jobs and look into your local paper and call to see who delivers them

  3. SAlmat would be a good organization to contact or the local paper shop , local paper or insome cases they do a letter box drop when needing staff

  4. I live in Australia and you should call Salmat. They offer catalogue delivery jobs to people around the neighbourhood. They'll deliver the catalogues to your door and you are paid to deliver them.

  5. You can check the classified section of your local newspaper. I imagine that they would have the routes listed online, as well.

  6. As far as i know, you would contact the newspapers in the area and ask if they need one, then you go from there. If they can't help you, i'm sure that they will know who can.

  7. Look up Salmat for junk mail, or just ask at the local newsagent about the paper route. The larger ones are more likely to have paper rounds.

  8. I actually work for a pamphlet delivering company. It;s known as SALMAT. You should search that up. Ironically, I started that job when I was 12.

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