
How do you find a pulse?

by  |  earlier

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I have a problem finding my pulse. I can't for the life of me find it in my neck or wrist. I can find it in my palm and sometimes my chest (if it's beating hard). Any advice?




  1. hold your right wrist out facing you, now take your pointer finger and middle finger of your left hand and place it on your right thumb near the wrist, and then slide them down til your middle finger's left edge is at the very base of your thumb. and that should do it

  2. feel around ur neck then when u feel a "thump thump" sttop..lmao

  3. There are a ton of places to find a pulse.  You can find one anywhere an artery is close to the surface of your skin, or where you can push it up against a bone.  These are the easiest and most common.

    Carotid - In your neck under the corner of your jaw bone.

    Radial - In your wrist... Hold your arm out straight palm up.  Draw a line from your ring finger down your hand and across your wrist.

    Always use the tips of your index and middle finger.  (Your thumb has its own pulse)

    If you still can't find those use the Brachial pulse:

    Grab your whole arm with your thumb and index finger and squeze fairly hard.  Your thumb should be almost in your arm pit, in this instance you will be feeling for it with your thumb.  Once you find it you can squeze hard and hold it...your veins will pop out and your arm will go numb, its kind of cool.  (don't smell your thumb)

  4. Quick, get a friend or neighbour to check that you are still alive. Are you breathing? are your eyes open?  And thank your lucky stars this is the only problem  you can come up with

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