
How do you find out if someone is cheating on you?

by  |  earlier

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Without being deceptive like checking their phones and pockets




  1. Use your intuition and trust it.

  2. Ask your girlfriend or wife if she telling the truth.

  3. Generally, if you have to ask the question, then the answer is probably "yes."

  4. you need to be straightforward and ask.

    then watch carefully for his reaction when he answers

    that will tell you alot.

  5. If your guts tell you something is wrong then chances are, they are right, personally i prefer being'deceptive because then you have unquestionable proof, you might very well ask her directly but life has taught me that it is easy for people to lie to your face especially if she has done it before.

  6. That takes a lot of spying and if you have that kind of time and energy, you are wasting it...Besides that, it means you don't trust your lover for some reason, and eventually they will find out you have been spying.  You have to ask yourself if this is the kind of relationship you want to be in.  Talk to your lover and find out if she/he is happy with you.  If there is any problems, talk about them and about working them out.  If you feel you're being lied to, then just pay attention to how your lover acts and if she/he comes home late...Try not to be deceptive like sneak and snoop and ask others to watch your honey when you're not there...These things will only make you more unhappy and if you get caught, that could mean a breakup for you.

  7. I feel like everyone has there routine.. When someone steps out there routine it should raise questions...If the person has to take there cell phone everywhere with them ,will not answer it while your around,worried how they look all of a sudden,or talks differently when they get on the phone something is not right with that....Some may say its best if you just ask but lets get real what person you know that is cheating is going to come out and say yes I'm cheating it is better for a guy or girl to lie than to be honest... I feel if you do decide to talk to him or her and you don't get anything out of your partner keep you guard up and know that if that person is cheating eventually if you give that person enough rope they will hang themselves... But its totally up to you how you want to handle it be very observant....

  8. ask them

  9. I've learned though out my years of dating that if you have a feeling your man/woman is cheating on you, then more than likely they are. You can sense when someone is not doing right by you. If you girlfriend is coming home at odd hours of the night, acting cold and distant towards you, answering her phone as she leaves the room, constantly testing, more than likely she's up too no good. I think the question you need to ask yourself is if you're willing to put up with someone cheating on you?

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