
How do you find out if you failed the global or earth science regents yET?!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna noe if i failed them.. how do u find out? would they call your house or send you a letteR? or would you have to wait??




  1. you would spend the night in jail, and after being beaten several times, you will be told that you were in jail for your poor perfomance on the NYS regents Exams (I know from personal Experience)

  2. my school calls , but no worry the lowest u can get on those is 70 even the stoners and retards in my school passed. Global is kinda my best subject and i even thought it was hard i thought i got a 70 but the curve is so big u shuldnt worry

    by the way i got a 92 on global and two years ago i got a 94 on earth science

  3. for me, i have to ask.. or it goes on my report card:)

    global was easy, dont worry, and so is earthe science.

    dont know my global score yet :( but earth science i took in 8th grade and got an 80something :) that guy got higher than me :( lol :P

  4. doesn't have the earth ones up yet, but they do have the global regents.

    check your answers on their, i did that for math, and it was a huge weight off my shoulders.

    my school supposivley woud of called, since summer schoo starts next week. but, i thought this year was a little wierd, like some of the questions.

    i keep checking but they only have the test for earth on

  5. It says it on your report card

  6. I got a 94% on the Earth Science. Mind you, I'm only in 8th grade. Lol. And my teacher took down email addresses. Sent them all via email.

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