
How do you find out someones number who calls you from a private number?

by  |  earlier

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this is very serious.

my friend ran away from her group home and is living with some person and shes being raped and turning into a hooker. she is only 16 i need to get this number so i can try helping her. she doesnt want me telling anyone but i have to. please someone tell me how i can find out this number she keeps calling me from!




  1. sorry....there is no way!!

  2. To call the number back, dial *69.

    It costs like 50 cents though.

  3. you might be able to ask to phone company to intercept or the police. If you got a warrant for the phone number then the phone company would have to give the number to you. Explain your situation and that it needs to stay quiet so you don't scare her away from calling you again. The police have tracking devices and could tell you exactly where she is calling from. That is the only thing I can think of. Sometimes keeping quiet can only hurt your friend more. She might be angry at first that you told but later on down the road she will thank you. She is not thinking straight in this situation. I would definitely go to the police but tell that you don't want to scare her away from calling you again. I am sure they will work with you.

  4. That will require police intervention.  Be careful - playing pranks on the police is likely to get you some time in the Gray Bar Hotel.

  5. There is no way to do that. If she marks it as private, or it's already set to private, there is no way to get it. *69 only works if the number is available.. and a blocked number is not available.

    Your friend may not be telling the truth and may just like the attention which is why she isnt' telling you where she is at.

    If she's telling the truth and you hunted her down, you cannot save her. She has to save herself or you need to get an adult to help save her. You could end up nt being able to leave if you went to such a place to try to save her!

    I know this is hard, but next time tell you friend this. Either you tell me where you are so i can have an adult come get you, or stop calling me. She can't want out if she's not telling you how to get her help. And she's liking the drama you are helping her continue. You probably like the drama a bit as well, since you want to "save" her from herself. But you can't save a person who doesnt' really want saved and you need to let go sometimes to really help them. If she thought you wouldn't play along, maybe she'd really save herself! AS it is, your talking to her during these times aren't helping her at all, becuase you say she's still there. If she has access to a phone, she could call the police any time she wanted for help. Not another kid who has as little power as she does. She could also call one of the adults from the group home.

    It's hard when one of our friends needs help but doesn't really want help. It will hurt you far more in the end if you continue playing this game with her. You are making her worse by listening but not getting an adult involved. Next time she calls, give it to your group mother or another adult in the home to handle. Realize it's something you can't handle.

    It's hard letting our messed up friends go, but it will make your life and hers better in the long run. Just think if she didn't have a friend to call and cry too, she might actually want to get out of it for real.

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