
How do you find out the speed limit on a particular piece of road when there's no signs?

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It isn't at all obvious as it doesn't seem to be a 30, probably should be a 40 but a lot of people treat it as a 30 and I have to drive on it every day and don't want to speed. Is there a website where I can look up speed limits on particular pieces of road?




  1. Da da da.  Perhaps it is time you bought a copy of the highway code and did a bit of revision. If the road has street lights along it, it will be 30mph unless signed otherwise.

  2. It varies by state. Most states have a "standard" speed limit that applies to all roads that aren't posted otherwise.

    In NJ, unless posted otherwise, the speed limit is 25mph in any business or residential zone and 50 in rural areas.

  3. OK, Simple.

    Sounds like a built up area, as you drive by side roads, have a look at the entrance. Any speed limit signs saying 30. If so then the road you are on is a 40.  There are usually 40mph repeater signs every second lamp post.

    Have a look at lampposts are they pretty close together. Also, as you enter the road, there should be a speed limit sign.

    If all else fails, drive at 30.

  4. Default answer:

    At the start of the restricted section there are always signs to indicate the maximum speed. These signs may be miles apart if it's a long section of restricted road so you may miss them.

    If the speed limit is 40 or 50 mph then you may see small repeater signs on lamposts or free-standing posts. If the limit is 30 mph then you will NOT see repeater signs. You may see "informal" notices put up by the council. The limit is deemed to be in force in abuilt up area when there are street lights 200 metres apart.

    Here's the entry from the Higway Code:

    "You MUST NOT exceed the maximum speed limits for the road and for your vehicle (see the table above). The presence of street lights generally means that there is a 30 mph (48 km/h) speed limit unless otherwise specified."

    To answer the second part of your question:

    There is a website (see link below) where you can put in a postcode and it'll re-direct you to the local authority responsible for the road. That web site will then enable you to find out what the speed limit is.

  5. UK??

    Single carriageway, built up area or with street lamps less than 200 metres apart - 30mph (unless signs say otherwise) - rural areas - 60mph (unless signs say otherwise)

    Dual carriageways, 70mph, unless signs say otherwise

  6. Just call you local police department and they will tell you and dont forget to get the persons name that you spoke with..........

  7. I would say 30mph unless signs otherwise permit.

  8. It all depends on the presence or not of street lighting.

    A 30mph speed limit is in place if there are street lights. For the speed limit to be higher there would need to be repeater signs about every 200 metres.

    If there are no street lights and no signs then the national speed limit applies which is 60mph on a single carriageway, a lower speed limit has to have repeater signs when there are no street lights

    Hope that makes sense

  9. In the US it varies from municipality to municipality.  The easiest thing to do is to simply call the police department and ask them.  The can look it up and tell you.

  10. There are ALWAYS signs.  The speed limit is that shown on the last sign you passed.

    This is a piece of very basic information you would have been taught when you first started to learn to drive.  It is frightening just how many drivers forget, once they've passed their test...

  11. check with the local highway patrol or DMV.

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