
How do you find out when Celebs go to amusement parks?

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Like when they go to disney land or disney world or islands of adventure and stuff. Universal, all that. How do you find out when they go? I tend to always go to amusement parks, and when I come back I find out they went there a couple days after I got back and stuff.




  1. Sometimes you can find it on

  2. Welp looks like stalking but there usually on the news.

  3. they tend to keep that information very quite. unless you know someone at the park who is willing to tell you and doesn't mind that they are risking their job by telling you, then it will be impossible. they keep things quite to avoid big mob scenes. for security reasons. and so that the stars can enjoy their experience at the park. i have been at disney world and have seen some of the stars from their tv shows there. plus sometimes they will let them in the park before it opens to guest just so that they can take pictures for publicity.

  4. OMG another dork.....

  5. They like to keep this information private for the safety and privacy of the person.

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