
How do you find out who you used to be?

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I've started to think ... that I've lived lives before this one. I know to most of you this sounds absurd, but I get the strangest feelings and have some of the oddest dreams. I feel strange things whenever I look at old artifacts (Egypt and China in particular), or see photographs of ancient buildings.

I'm not talking the usual wonderment, either ...

... how do you find who you were in a past life?




  1. you can go for past life regression.. read brian weiss's book many lives many masters... its awesome.

    deenie, besides that regression, what can i do to convince you that past lives really do exist.

  2. hypnosis or astral projection i know it sounds crazy but you get to met your spirit guides they're here to help you

  3. Could be a spirit from the past hanging around you and putting these feeling into you. It happens.

  4. I grew up always knowing that there was something more, and that I were different than my bothers and I know it was that I were sensitive to the spiritual world. As a child, Not only did I see and feel the presence of spirits, but I would have some memories of detail of peoples faces in my head, and at the time not know who they were or why I was having that memory. Now I know it was people I once knew from another past life time. And to confirm that, not only does it run in my families blood to see and communicate with the spiritual world. But in the past four years my spirit guide gave to me perhaps her memory of us together in our first past life, and memory of me in another past life during a battle as I could see her spirit there by my side as my guide guiding me.

    If and when you communicate with your guide, he or she may give you that memory usually in dream form.....usually there is another message within  that memory as she or he is communicating that way too.

    Even though perhaps it was her spirit I always seen, it took many years for her to open up to me. Your spirit guide is with you always, He or she in your time of need will open up to you.

    Try communicating with your guide, just before you fall off to sleep, that's usually when they come, and ask your guide to give you memory in detail of you and your guide. And when you know for sure it's your guide, and if you wake, you can ask for his or her name....they can and will speak out loud or a whisper. And if your lucky you will see your guide, usually as a shadow greyish to completely white, sometimes a little detail.

  5. just imagine

  6. Many qualifed astrologers can see you past lives in your astrological chart. Mine did, and they turned out to be true (I did historical research). I had dreams I was speking German, and dreams I was walking in 1700's London, and siling in a boat in China.

    For a certified astrologer (not some rifoff gypsy on the corner), check the website of the largest astrological organization in the world:

  7. May people go to past life regression hypnotist.

    Brian Weiss has a book that includes a CD so you can do this yourself (link below).

    There are also books that have techniques for doing this without hypnosis (link below).

    While there is no undeniable evidence for past lives it has been used to help people with phobias and to help people learn and explore aspects of their current lives.

    I have included a link to what I consider the best research on past lives/reincarnation if you want to examine it but it does not deal with techniques of recalling past lives (the research focuses on memories of young children).


  8. I don't know.

    You probably will never be able to find out...

    But if you do, could you tell me how you found out?

  9. it is writen that weall lived before this life in the bible i have had stron fealind that i was here when thebook was wrote as if i seen the events take place but i never lived in the flesh before this no why would any one want to do quentom leap every 80 years when this is sucha frail body we are temparly in

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