My friend asked me to start surfing this summer. Although she ended up not doing it, I fell in love with surfing and I kept doing it. I kept going by myself for two weeks, and she thought it's dangerous. Then, she introduced me to some Japanese people who have been surfing about a year and half, and they are really nice.
But I feel like I segregate other people b/c I speak Japanese to them (and I am fluent in English!). So I kinda want to meet more people to go surfing with me just to watch my back if anything happens.
All of my surfer friends are either "TOO GOOD to surf with ya!" or "I am too busy" or "I live in OC. It' far from LA". *sigh*
I just wonder how people find other people to go surfing with....I guess you simply ask your friends? But everyone is so busy and schedules don't match sometimes. Isn't it better to know more people? Isn't it dangerous to go by yourself? Just wondering...if there is a website or something to find out if a girl like me is out there...