
How do you find someone grave when he doesnt have a headstone up?

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How do you find someone grave when he doesnt have a headstone up?




  1. Go to the office of the people who run that graveyard, they should be able to give you a map!

  2. Ican give you 2 specific examples from my family:

    1: My 4th great Grandfather Abner Hopkins. Although all his children are buried In Oakwood Cemetary in Saline MI He is buried A few Miles away in Union Cemetary. I found him in that I searched the cemetary record around where he Lived(the area around Ann Arbor MI, namely Washtenaw Co) I did make a trip there from CA, and found that where he is buried thare are about 8 stones stacked all together and half buried(the cematery is not mantained by the city or the county)

    2: my 2nd great Grandaunt Nora Lawrence is buried in a Unmarked grave in Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland CA.

    I found her by studying her history: she was infoprmally adopted by a School Principal by the name of Silas Harmon in Alameda County, CA in 1871. He later helped to start many Higher education Schools in CA (UCSB, The seminary just outside of UCBerkley). She kept her Original Name. She worked 1881 to 1913 for Wells Fargo. She died in an apartment fire in Sacramento in 1913. I found newspaper clipping of her death and her transport to Oakland afterwords. I went to the nearet Cemetary to where I found the Harmon's Lived. I queried the Record of the cemetery and found that not only she, but the whole Harmon Family were buried without gravestones! People included in this family include one of the 1st trustees of the UC school system!. It is in the oldest part of the cemetery and is the only section that has no gravestones!

  3. Make sure you have the right cemetary and ask the curator for a map of the grave sites. You could also ask at your local county court house. How old is this grave? Obtaining records may be a bit sketchy depending on grave age.

  4. If you are asking this from the UK, then you will need to speak to the superintendent at the cemetery where the burial took place. You will need to give the exact date of death at most cemeteries to avoid a search charge, here in Nottingham it is £25:00 for the search.

    Also in Nottingham and I am sure this rule applies to most towns and cities in the UK. When  a grave with a headstone is closed for  100 years and one day, then the headstone is laid flat or removed, and in some cases offered to family to be disposed of. Closed meaning the plot being full and the last burial taken place.

    Hope this helps.

  5. If you know the exact cemetery they will easily be able to tell you. They keep a listing of plots and to whom they are assigned. If you do not know the cemetery, try There you can submit real information about he person you are looking for and it will check a database. This is how I found where my father was buried. It's worth a shot! Good luck!

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