
How do you find the best remembrances of Beethoven in Vienna, Austria?

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How do you find the best remembrances of Beethoven in Vienna, Austria?




  1. In Vienna the first performance of Beehoven's Erocia Symphony an Fidelio where performed in 1805 in the Theater in Vienna (Wien). But Beethoven was a controversial figure in his time, and many of his works were only successful outside Vienna. He played in Augarten Palace in the park pavillion. Lubkowitz Palace is where a lot of Beethovens first perfomances took place was built for Count Dietrichstein in 1685-7 by Giovanni Pietro Tencala. in 1753 it was acqurired by the Lobkowitz family. Balls were held here during the Congress of Vienna.  Since 1991 the Palace has been the Austrian Theatre Museum, which houses a model of the first Hofburg theater and the Eroica-Saal (1724-29) where many of his first works took place. The main exiibits chronicle Austrian theatre in the 1940's.

      But if you go to Baden just South of Vienna, (a short trip on the Baden Bann),  A famous town with a spa with curative hot springs,  you will find Kurpark, the park extends out from the centre of the town to the Vienna Woods and has a rose gardern and a memorial museum to Beethoven and Mozart, most days in the summer a band will play Music as you come in the park enjoy an afternoon listerning to music played from the open air Bandstand all free.

    In Grinzing 19th district of Vienna you can see the house He lived in, catch the 38a bus end of U4 Heiligenstadt.

    In Dreifaltigkeits Kirche (Church) His body was brought after he died in 1827 following the funeral service which was attended by many of his contemporaries, Including Schubert and the poet Franz Grillparzer, the cortege bore his coffin to the cemetery at Währing on the outkirts of the city. Although his memorial is in Zentralfriedhof (central grave yard) in Simmering 11th district, Linie 71 (tram 71) to Ehrenfriedhof. (need a guide drop me a E-mail) I live in the 10th district of Vienna

  2. Opera House...Waltz just made me missing him more.

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