
How do you find the necessary height to drop an object to achieve a required impact force?

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How do you find the necessary height to drop an object to achieve a required impact force?




  1. There's more to it than just the height.  The force of impact is given by:

    F = mv/t


    m = mass of impactor

    v = speed at time of impact

    t = time it takes for impactor to slow down from "v" to zero speed.

    Of those 3 variables, only "v" is a function of height (using the formula: v = sqrt(2gh)).  The variable "m" depends on exactly what you're dropping; and the variable "t" depends on not only "v" and "m" but also on the nature of the surface where the impactor hits.  To put it another way: the impact force of hitting a pillow is less than the impact force of hitting concrete, precisely because hitting the pillow increases the value of "t".

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