
How do you find the right place to live in Central or South America?

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We want to move south - so we can afford to live on a moderate income. Have 2 horses and 4 dogs. Need a small ranch. How do you go about looking for a place?




  1. i guess u should start asking urself which country do u like best!

  2. 1st, visit the countries !!! 2nd, obviously you are not into urban areas,looking for a countried atmosphere is more suited to you. many central american countries are very poor & utilities,access to them is poor & expensive. Costa Rico is the most modern & has the best access to needs,still it is not cheap for  Americans,costs have sky rocketed there,Panama costs are less,in South America,smaller cities & towns,outlying areas have better situations & more mderate prices, living standards in Argentina & Chili are more on a par with the U.S. & cosat 2/3rds less than the states,depending on the areas. Best  bet,check out Argentina & Chile.Piece of advice: keepyour funds in American banks & transfer amts needed ,flucuations & financial instability is common in south american &  central amer banks. My personal choice is 1.Argentina,2.Chile 3. Panama 4. Uruguay. Take the time to explore the areas & network with realtors there,who can advise you on property,taxes,foreign ownership . Good Luck,

  3. Try the website,"", there are many places discused on there and an open chat place to ask questions and read what others have to say about experiences they've had....

    I know of a town about five miles out of Medellin Colombia where a person can rent a farm for two-three hundred a month and is in a beautiful area..

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