
How do you find time with kids?

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I want to start my own business (actually I have to research and learn a lot more about it first)...but I feel like I have NO TIME. I only have one daughter but I work full time as does my fiance....and we share a car and I have to drop him off and pick him up every day...pick up our daughter from the babysitter, shop, cook, clean, go to work again....It feels like my days are endlessly the same - draining, tiring and depressing. I can't break the cycle to get ahead. :( Suggestions?




  1. Go out for dinner or go on a vacation. You'd get LOTS of time on a vacation.

  2. Sit down and look at your life. Get a notebook and a couple pens (in case some fail to work lol). Write down some goals for your future. What do you want to do the rest of your life? Ask yourself what would be best for the family, for you, and ask yourself if you could live the rest of your life like it is now. Then talk to your fiance about it. Maybe have him do the same thing. Talk about the issues and really try and compromise. For the time being talk to him about how you feel and tell him you really don't like continuing like you are. Maybe find a different job or go to college for a better job. Or have one of you be a stay at home parent for awhile and the other get a better job so only one person uses the car. (Gas prices...ugh).

    Good Luck

  3. oh you sound miserable. Parts of being a parent contain joy hard work and also that guilty feeling that you could do more. I'm sure your daughter doesn't feel that she is neglected in any way. We all have to make sacrifices and by the sound of it you seem like a lovely mum. Just keep going you will reep the benefits later. xxxx

  4. You let the laundry go or the house get dirty and you play with your child.  You take the time to have fun.  

  5. make a list of what needs to be done around house and but what should do on each day and leave a half hr or so a day to play with your daughter and if old enough let her help u out in some activities like folding clothes are help a little with cooking and all so u can interact with her that way and leave a day open on the weekends to do stuff go to park or whatever else museums, zoos, aquariums and so forth. also go on vacation even if it is just for 3 days or something.

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