
How do you fish with a polish pike lure???

by Guest66733  |  earlier

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any advise would help! thanks




  1. Do you have a picture of the lure i might be able to help you out if i could see what the lure looks like, if not the best thing to do is to try it cast it out let it sink and quickly retrieve it, pike are predators that will target any small fish so a quick retrieve may work.

  2. ok, now pay attention, im gonna tell ya how to fish that polish pike lure.    first ya need to tie 50 feet of fishing line, preferably 100# test, to your big toe.   then go to the local swimming hole, and start swimming around weed beds, pike being the predaters that they are, will ambush the lure as ya swim by.   when one bites, swim fast for shore and drag it up on the beach.

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