
How do you fit into American High school if u don't speak perfect English?

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I came here when i was young, and i go to a school with a few non native speakers. i have trouble talking to the americans and making friends. I do watch TV, read magazines and try my best to learn the American Cultures but it doesnt seem to work for me. Any advice?




  1. To be blunt, if you came here when you were young and you're in high school now, I have to wonder why you don't speak English well. If you came here young, and have been here more than a few years, you should be fluent.

    I've hosted 13 foreign exchange students and been involved with dozens more over the past decade. Without exception, by the time they have been here for a year, no matter what their English level was when they arrived, they have all been able to communicate in English when they left and most were fluent.

    I'm wondering what language you are using at home. If you are speaking your native language there, that is a big problem for you. You need to get your parents (or whomever you live with) speaking English.

    In order to fit in in high school, you need to be involved in something. Most of our exchange kids go out for a sports team (even if they are not good, they are still part of the team), get involved in theatre, band or choir. You don't have to have great English to paint theatre sets!

    The important thing, you need to hang around and communicate with ENGLISH speakers! Remember this: in general, for every hour you spend communicating in your native language (and this includes chatting on the Internet) you can lose up to THREE DAYS of progress in your immersion language (in your case, English).

    Good luck and keep speaking English -- that's the only way it will improve!

  2. just start talking to people. everyone in america are pretty much judgemental a******s anyway so maybe you will find the nice pepole at your school.

  3. I'm shocked that you're having difficulty making friends.  From what I can tell, most of the teenagers that were born here can't speak English.

  4. The exchange students that seemed to adjust better when I went to school met their American friends through school activities.  Like sports, music, or theatre.  People who would discriminate over your English are rare.  Most people just need an excuse to meet someone.

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