
How do you fit somebody for skates?

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I have a job at an ice rink, and am working at their pro shop today. I want to impress my boss and show her that I know how to fit people for skates, so I will be able to work there my self. We sell both figure and hockey skates. Also if anyone knows how to fit people for helmets that would be great. Thanks!!!




  1. Learning how to fit figure skates is not easy.  There are many variables that you have to learn.  These variables include age, weight, how often they skate, skating level, what they are currently wearing...  It takes time to know what's appropriate for each skater.  

    The best way to learn how to fit is to work with a professional skate fitter.  Learn from him or her.  You have to remember that you are helping to get the skater into a product that will make them be a better skater.  If you put them in the wrong thing, it can affect their progress.  Selling skates is not something to be taken lightly especially if you plan on fitting upper level skaters who can be hurt if they are put into the wrong skates at your recomendation.  Even at the beginning levels, you want to get the skater into the right skate for them so they like skating.  Nothing makes a skater quit faster than uncomfortable skates - they don't practice, don't pass their tests, and then you lose a skater and a future customer.  Skates are expensive and skating is a luxury right now.  Skaters want to buy skates from someone who knows what they are doing.

    Impress your boss by being eager and open to learning.

  2. Ask the pro at your ice rink.  They usually know a lot, and will be able to teach you.

  3. Okay, I don't know how to fit 4 helmets, but for FIGURE skates, basically all you have 2 do is take the customer's normal shoe size, and bump it up around 1 a size, since ice skates are a bit smaller. (i.e. shoe size: 4. skate size: around 5). Hope this helps!

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