
How do you fix a coaxible cable?

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its chewed in half by a beaver, can I reuse the screwon thingy? its a F connector. darn beaver.. anyway, it cut off my dish network and all i want to know is , can I cut it off and reuse the same connector? I have no others.. thx..




  1. You need two new F connectors (male) and a "Barrel" connector (female-female)

    You will also need a coax stripper. Go to Radio Shack and explain the problem and they will give you what you need.  They also have special weatherproof wrap you can put around the splice to protect it from the weather.

    For sat - your coax is RG6. Make sure the connectors and the strip tool support RG6.

  2. It really depends on where that cable is located.  If its outside never use a twist (one where you twist the connector on to the cable) connector.  For Dish Network lines you want to use a snap & seal type connector to prevent moisture from entering your cable.  If its inside and the cable that runs from the wall to your receiver, get a new RG6 line that doesn't have twist or hex-crimp (they are the lowest quality and can pop of your cable with minimal tugging) connecters on the ends.  If its the line from the receiver to the T.V. go ahead and reuse it.

    P.S. Just in case you're not sure only tighten inside connections finger-tight.  Also Dish does not recomend the use of barrel connectors in your line.  They could cause loss of quality in your picture.

  3. strip wire, twist ends together, and use electrical tape around whole thing... or buy new one

  4. Its probably a compression connector (not reusable) or a crimp connector (also not reuseable)

    Get a splice kit and splice it together  

    OR put new F connectors on and connect with a "barrel" connector (double female.)

    Don't let the inner and outer coax short to each other as low voltage electricity is passed through it.

    Seal it from water,moisture and beavers when you are done!

    Are you sure it's not a DAM beaver?

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