
How do you fix a digital camera's flash?

by Guest66509  |  earlier

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I dropped my mom's digital camera, from a distance of about three feet, on the ground and now the flash doesn't work when she goes to take pictures. Does anyone know how to fix this?




  1. You will do what i did last year.My wife's camera was canon and i dropped it bady.I reached the customer service and told them how i love canons and how i feel sorry for this situation.You are not gonna believe this but i sent the camera with a letter saying that i am a student and keep the costs as low as possible please.Guess what?I paid only mailing costs and got my camera almost brand new.Forget about my broken screen,they also changed the worn buttons and some parts.And thats why I always recommend Canons to everybody.The think is that if you know how to deal with the people,you can get anything out of this world.Good luck.

  2. Is it an expensive digital camera?  They are so cheap now that this could be an excuse to buy a new one.

    If you paid a lot of money for it, call the manufacturer of it.

    Dicking around with the flash tube circuits could be dangerous unless you know what you are doing.

  3. Dropping and drowning are the leading killers of digital cameras. Your mom's camera is the latest victim.

    Use it as a paperweight and begin saving/shopping for your mom's new camera.

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