
How do you fix a phone that wont ring when someone calls and has no dial tone?

by  |  earlier

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its on hook, it wont ring when someone calls, and it has no dial tone...HELP PLZ!!




  1. thats easy... hook up the phone to a working phone line!

    no dial tone, wont ring = no phone line.

    no dial tone, wont ring, but have talk battery = pay your bill.

  2. I think that if you don't get a dial tone, you need a new phone.

  3. Is there more than one unit on the line?

    It may be a faulty phone unit.

    Can you access the interface box?  Where the line from the pole comes into the house. In this box is a test port. plug the phone into the port. If you get a dialtone there you have a wiring problem within the house. No dialtone then the phone is faulty or the service problem is with the service provider.

    If you have a 2nd phone try it to confirm.

    Call repair and place a repair request.

  4. I'm not sure if your have an issue with just one phone in this question. -- If so this may not help. But here you go:

    If you have another phone, try hooking it to the same jack to see if the other phone works. If so, phone issue.

    If you have another jack in you home, try to connect your phone to that jack.

    It's always good to have a corded phone in your home just to troubleshoot with.

    Really, the best thing you can do is contact your phone provider. They will be able to tell you if your phone is either Digital, Facilities Base, or Resold, and then be able to reboot your phone modem if it is digital to see if that will fix your issue.

    Hope this helps mate.

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