
How do you fix a "outside/in" swing in golf?

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How do you fix a "outside/in" swing in golf?




  1. its from your take away.   probably taking it away to fast or rotating the wrist.  Correct those and you will swing on plane (btw, correcting these are much easier said than done)

  2. Put a rod or something under you arms so that it goes across your chest practice swinging with it. You should be able then to tell when your swing is not straight because of the extra pressure on one side of your body.

  3. Here is the very simple answer. The solution to this problem is very easy your hands should lead in front of the golf ball about 1/4 an inch or dead symmetrical. This means the shaft should be in line or slightly ahead of the ball at address. The outside in swing is created by a bad set up before you hit the ball! Your chest knees and feet should all be about the same in relation to your target. They dont have to be perfect your stance can be a bit open and your shoulders/chest can be a bit closed it doesn't matter the key is a bit or a little. Pre setting you hands at address in the right position influences the takeway and from there the rest of the swing happens. Many other factors in the body affect your ability to hit good shots primarily your back leg and knee flex. In other words stay in balance. To make all of this even easier take a shoebox and set in right next to the ball so and outside approach will hit the box forcing you to visually see the right path you want good luck!

  4. Here's a simple drill that may help.  Think of a clock with your target line being 12.  When hitting the ball you want your divot to point to one o'clock, or slightly off to the right.  the only way to accomplish this is with a inside/out swing.  Once you've mastered this, you should be hitting the ball straight or even putting a bit of a draw on it.

    Best of luck.l

  5. Back up from the ball and make sure your shoulders turn. The next time you practice at the range do this... Address the ball as normal and swing with your eyes closed. Right after impact open your eyes. Now adjust your stance based on this idea. Another drill that will help you is to address the ball and go halfway back and halfway through. If you feel your arms moving in all kinds of ways to be able to stroke through the ball then that means you adjust these things in full swing as well. Most golfers that can't figure out what is wrong with their swing try to diagnose themselves through their full swing. This isn't possible because all of these things are happening in a couple of seconds. Instead they should break their swing into stages and hit balls from each stage. For you this means try to hit about ten balls in a row just swinging the clubhead two feet back and then a full follow through. When this feels comfortable go further back and hit ten. Break your backswing into about 4-5 increments and build it to a comfortable length. Make sure to incorperate your shoulders and body turn into this swing. You may find that at the top of your swing you feel like your hands and the club are "set" completely differently than your normal swing and your body is turned a lot different than you are used to. This is a good thing. As you build this turn practice stopping at the different increments to check where you are. Then start chopping away. But, put the ball in the way of this swing. Do not relate this swing to the ball, relate the ball to this swing. GOOD LUCK

  6. By making sure that the club goes to your inside on your backswing.  There are many ways of doing this, either by cocking your wrist, or doing full body turn.  There are correct and incorrect ways of doing this too.

  7. The golf swing is probably one of the most frustrating parts of the game of golf.  People are constantly modifying their swing to get more distance or to correct problems like a slice or a hook.  Really, though, the golf swing is just a matter of mechanics and putting body motions together in the right way to be consistent.  But experienced golfers know this is easier said than done.  What are the basics of a good golf swing?

    * Your stance should be about shoulder width apart and your feet should be pointing slightly out – but not too much!

    * Let your arms hang naturally down from your body and place the club behind the ball.  If your shoulders hunch or you have tension in your arms, you are probably too close to the ball.  Stand back a little bit.

    * Place about 70 percent of your body weight on your back leg.

    * Straighten your spine and have a bit of bend in your knees.

    * Keep your eye on the ball during your entire swing

    * Grip the club as if you are holding a small, delicate bird.  You want to keep the bird in your hands, but you don’t want to crush it either.  That’s how you should hold your club.

    * A good golf swing will be a fluid, easy motion with your shoulders turning slightly in the back swing and your follow-through complete.

    * Make sure you keep your feet planted and slow down in your back swing.  Most problems with a golf swing are cause by swinging too quickly in the back swing and then not accelerating through the ball.

    * You will want to hit the ball in the “sweet spot” or the center of the club.  Hitting it anyplace else will cause your ball to travel in directions that you really don’t want it to go in.

    * Then grip it and rip it!

    It might help for you to take a lesson or two on the golf swing or even watch the way the pros do it on television.  There are numerous articles that exist on the Internet that can help you with your golf swing, so always look for information and take as much advice as you can get.

    Learning to swing a golf club takes years of practice as any avid golfer will tell you.  There are “a hundred” things to know and they all have to be working in exactly the right ways at exactly the right time to a have a good, consistent golf swing.  Sometimes this just dozen’t happen, but when it does, it certainly is a great feeling!

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