
How do you flavour water, without adding calories?

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I put fresh mint in bottled water over night to mate it taste cold and minty, is there any other things i use to give water a new flavour without adding calories




  1. Lemon juice and Stevia (an all natural zero calorie sweetner) and this actually turns your water into calorie-free lemonade.

  2. lemon zest might work, or some artificial flavourings, if you don't mind drinking them

  3. I believe aquafina offers a line of flavored water with no caloried

  4. how about lemon or lime or oranges? never tried it maybe you can be my ginuea pig.

  5. Anything you add will add calories. But if it is just a tough, enough to give it a little flavor then the calories will be so few it will be negligible.

  6. Squeeze a lemon/lime/orange into it. Or mash up apple and put it with water in the blender then sieve it. :-)

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