
How do you focus really good?

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How do you focus really good?




  1. If you're talking about focusing a lens, then if it's autofocus, you still need to help it, the autofocus won't work well on a solid color, or in the dark, or with a small repeated pattern, so if it's a person you're focusing in, place the small focusing box someplace where there is contrast at the place you want it focused, such as their face - but half the box on their face and half off - that contrast will help the camera focus.

    Manual focus, you just need to pay very close attention to details, and if you're photographing a moving subject in manual focus, you can do 'zone focusing' where you focus in a spot where the action will happen and you take the picture then.

  2. I take adderall.

  3. no distractions

  4. Just for me I get a picture of something and just stare until I go where I want to

  5. Think about the task in hand. And what shane said.

  6. really well?

    I put on some relaxing music and try not to get distracted.

    Which is difficult because I am easily distracted.

    But music always calms me down and helps.

  7. meditate first

  8. touch thumb and forefinger while sitting in lotus position and in a deep resonant voice from far far within say very slowly: "OOOOOHHHHMMMMMM"

  9. It helps if your lens has Full Time Manual Focusing like Canon's. You can touch up the focusing at any time, even in AUTO mode. Other lenses you may have to switch to MANUAL mode first.

    (If you're talking about photography, that is. If you're talking studying and you're asking how to focus on a particular lesson, or something, it belongs in another board. Another reason to pay attention.)  

  10. Most new camera focus on their own , but if you have a manual focus just turn it until it looks the sharpest and the more light there is the higer you can set your f stop and the faster the shutter opens and closes and there is less chance of the camera shaking.

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