
How do you fold the sheets with elastic in the corners neatly without being all bunched up?

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How do you fold the sheets with elastic in the corners neatly without being all bunched up?




  1. Why bother folding, just put them straight back on the bed if they are nice and dry - saves work and nice smelling fresh sheets to sleep on.

    Failing that if you must fold them, don't  - roll them instead - takes less room in your closet /cupboard anyway

    There are methods available for folding but I can never get them right either - so I resort to the ones mentioned above

    happy slumbers

  2. Don't! Just wash your sheets and put them right back on the beds. Saves you that whole folding thing...

    Well, if you insist, here's a great link with directions. My MOM sent it to me a while back.

  3. idk

  4. sorry, i can never do it. try folding them around something. a flattened hanger or something so they keep their shape.

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