
How do you freeze your credit-specifially which company to contact- thank you.?

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should I use the 3 major credit reviewing companies?




  1. In general, once a consumer initiates a credit freeze with a consumer reporting agency (“CRA”), the freeze prevents that CRA from releasing a consumer report (i.e., a credit report)

    about that consumer unless the consumer temporarily lifts or permanently removes the freeze. A credit freeze may help prevent identity thieves from opening new accounts in consumers’ names, because businesses typically will not extend new credit (or provide certain other benefits)

    without first viewing the consumer’s credit report. Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws providing consumers the right to place credit freezes and setting forth operational requirements, including how to place, temporarily lift, or permanently remove a

    freeze, exceptions to the freeze (e.g., for law enforcement), and the associated fees for consumers. In addition, each of the three nationwide CRAs (Equifax, Experian, and

    TransUnion) is offering a commercially-developed credit freeze option (“CRA-developed freeze option” or “CDFO”) to residents of the eleven states that have no credit freeze laws and to all residents of the five states where the right to freeze under state law only applies to identity theft victims.

    Credit freeze laws vary from state to state.  In some states, anyone can freeze their credit file, while in other states, only identity theft victims can.  The cost of placing, temporarily lifting, and removing a credit freeze also varies.  Many states make credit freezes free for identity theft victims, while other consumers pay a fee – typically $10.  It’s also important to know that these costs are for each of the credit reporting agencies.  If you want to freeze your credit, it would mean placing the freeze with each of three credit reporting agencies, and paying the fee to each one.  

    Hope this answers your question

    Here is info on the three CRA's


    Experian-888-EXPERIAN (888-397-3742)


  2. You have to contact each of the three credit bureaus -- TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian.

  3. Contact all three credit bureaus and tell them you want a fraud alert put on your account. This will basically allow you to not apply for and receive credit until you contact them and tell them you want the fraud alert lifted.

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