
How do you get 'pins and needles'.. I enjoy the feeling but havent had it for a while :<?

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How do you get 'pins and needles'.. I enjoy the feeling but havent had it for a while :<?




  1. Kneel

  2. lay on your arm or something...cut of the circulation from whatever body part you want until it goes numb. it usually happens when you &quot;wake it up&quot; lol. odd though, i hate the feeling. lol. good luck

  3. Lie on the couch, leaning on one elbow. That should do it. The most common cause of pins and needles (paraesthesia) is compression of the blood vessels in this way.

  4. pins and needles usually happen when the blood supply to nerves in the affected area is cut off by applied weight. For example, certain sitting positions or kneeling often causes pins and needles.

  5. Cut of your circulation...nice...strange person lol!

  6. Sit on your hand or have your leg curled underneath you. it should take about 30 mins. If I lay on my arm when asleep I always have pins and needles. In my house we refer to it as having &#039;a fizzy hand&#039; because it feels fizzy.

  7. Lie down stretched out on the couch when ur watching tv. Lie on you side or front/side and use the arm you are leaning on to support ur head ( place it under your chin with your arm bent.) Works a treat.

    Should take about 15-20 mins

  8. If I sit reading on the loo for ages about 30 mins I get it in my legs and feet! lol try kneeling with your legs under you that normally works.

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