
How do you get 500$ in 1 year and 3 months i am only 9 and i really want to go to a jonas brothers concert?

by  |  earlier

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How do you get 500$ in 1 year and 3 months i am only 9 and i really want to go to a jonas brothers concert?




  1. ask your parents...they can help you.

  2. Listen kid, I don't know how a nine year old is going to raise that kinda dough, but trust me, there are far better things you could use the money for. Five years from now, when you'll be thinking about your first car, you'll be kickin yourself in the head in disbelief that you spent 500 bucks to see those schmucks.

  3. mow yards

    baby sit

    set up a lemonade stand


    save your allowance

    sell your x box

    write the jonas brothers and ask for tickets


  4. Wash cars and do a good job so you get repeat business.

  5. Talk your parents into buying 4 tickets and scalp the other pair, that way you can go for free!

  6. How are Jonas Brother's tickets related to "Aircraft"

    By the way, it is a violation of the Community Guidelines for a 9 year old to use this forum.

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